On the Trail of Pari Noskin Taichert

Books / Essays / Short Stories

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THE SOCORRO BLAST (Sasha 3)   ©page from Socorro Blast  
   ISBN: 978-0-8263-4384-0; Hardcover; University of New Mexico Press (January 16, 2008)

THE BELEN HITCH (Sasha 2)   ©page from Belen Hitch
   ISBN: 0826339158; Hardcover; University of New Mexico Press (Sept 2005)
   ISBN: 0826339166; Trade Paperback; University of New Mexico Press (Feb 2006)
   ASIN: B004EYTACW; Kindle; Basil Blossom Press; 624 KB (Dec 2010)
THE CLOVIS INCIDENT (Sasha 1)   ©page from Clovis Incident
   ISBN: 0826331858; Hardcover; University of New Mexico Press (Feb 2004)
   ISBN: 0826331866; Trade Paperback; University of New Mexico Press (May 2004)
   ISBN: 0373265352; Mass Market Paperback; Worldwide (July 2005)
   ASIN: B003XKNWAE; Kindle; Basil Blossom Press; 543 KB (June 2010)


American Crime Writers League: Murder Past, Murder Present, ed. R. Barri Flowers, Jan Grape
"HE HATED CATS", pp 171‑183
   ISBN: 978-1606192061; Trade pbk; Twilight Times Books (Sept 2009)
"'Cats are disgusting...' And just like that, I dropkicked him off my llist of potential boyfriends..."

   online; Murderati blog (Mar 2007)
"The one constant pleasure in her drudge of a life consisted of ScreamIt.com..."

Author's Web Sites
Pari Noskin Taichert
MURDERATI : The, Writer's Life
 (multi‑author blog)

Appearances / Conventions / Workshops

Ms. Taichert is happy to do phone conference interviews for bookclubs.

Articles / Posts / Stories
[ by Ms. Taichert ]

In a July 2004 post – "name ... pronunciation ... : Pari rhymes with starry. Noskin is pronounced: Naskin. And Taichert sounds like Tie Curt. BTW: Pari means "angel," "fairy," or "sea nymph" in Farsi. Guess which one I prefer?"

PR for the rest of us PR Blog, October 2010
What is..., Publicity vs. Advertising, Frequency, Audiences
"...use this blog to write about public relations . . ."

What is a writer?, August 2010
"Is the mere act of "calling" oneself a writer enough? . . ."

Dance of the Spirit articles, (Feb 2010 to Jan 2011)
Posts: Art from the Heart, A Curandera's Journey, What We're Reading, Turn Off the News Day

Appearance at UNM Bookstore, with Martha Egan, Fall 2009
video – 1:33:14

Meanderings and Muses Commas 'n' Sh*t, April 2009
"So I'm sitting on the can reading . . ."

Murder in the Grove/MySpace Boise Redux, December 13, 2007
"...I want to address the benefits of attending a smaller conference in a beautiful city . . ."

Mystery Readers Journal – The Ethnic Detective, Part I, Dreidels Among the Cacti,  Vol 23, No 1, Spring 2007

Murderati: The Blog Short Story Project3, The Cat's Meow, March 4, 2007

Essay on What's the Worst That Could Happen by Donald E. Westlake (1996), pp 19‑21
   ISBN: 978-0-9625804-9-9; Trade pbk; The Crum Creek Press (Nov 2006)
"The way I remember it, the sky was as dark as my mood. Another rejection letter..."

Local Flavor Magazine, Santa Fe, NM; 505-988-7560 – (July 2006 to May 2008)
Feature articles: White by Design, Food for Thought, Saving the Heart of a Village, Growing More Than One Garden, KHFM and the Symphony

The Third Degree, Mystery Writers of America newsletter - mid 2006 through 2008
   Interviews with editors and agents of crime fiction

Little-Known Facts about the 47th State - American Crime Writers League; Mug Shots, May 2006

Playing with Reality - Mystery Scene: The Writing Life/New Books; #83 Winter 2004, p.56 (writing about protagonist/CLOVIS) "The joy of fiction is that you can make things up... Reality is a slippery thing..."

Drought! Patriotism and Civil Liberties - Lunarosity; August 2003

Watch Your Butts! (link to right under Archives - Paris Afton Bonds Journal, 2003

ALBUQUERQUE TRIBUNE : Diversions, June 2002 – Nov 2004, third Friday (except as noted)
Thirty articles, commentaries, reviews

Roadmaps and Routes - Boomer Women Speak stories: "Get a Job"...Career Choices, 2002

Public Relations / Marketing articles:

Articles / Bios / Interviews / Profiles / Stories
[ about Ms. Taichert ]

Award Annals: Mystery/Suspense Most Honored Authors, right column

Magic & Mystery - by Heidi Estrin, The Book of Life podcast, July 2, 2007
"...Pari Noskin Taichert tells us about supernatural aspects of her novel..."
(with Miller, Lutes and Mlynowski; Pari is at 17:30 of podcast)

On The Bubble With Pari Noskin Taichert - by Elaine Flinn, Murderati blog, January 10, 2007
"...The interview you've been waiting for – our headmistress..."

Dream A Little Dream (excerpt) - by J.T. Ellison, Murderati blog, November 17, 2006
"Hubby and I had the distinct pleasure of hosting Pari Taichert in our home and fine city this week. You think the Internet does Pari justice? Think again. Irrepressible is the best term I can come up with. We stayed up much too late two nights in a row, drinking a lovely McWilliams's Shiraz I've been keeping back for months for the occasion. We talked a lot about this industry, about the future of our careers, about blogging in general and Murderati in particular." posted with permission

MURDER THURSDAY - by David Skibbons ( interview of Sept 7, 2006 )
On the first Thursday of every month in 2006, there's a phone-in interview with a mystery writer ... You can email the questions ... before the interview or during it. Your questions ... a vital part of that evening's talk.

Mysterious Musings : Interview with PNT - by Julia Buckley, Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cruse'n With Lonnie : Interview with PNT - by Lonnie Cruse, Monday, July 17, 2006

Platform Shoes (excerpt) - by Naomi Hirahara, Murderati blog, June 21, 2006
EXHIBIT #1 The Case of the New Mexico Writer - "With two prestigious Agatha nominations under her belt, Pari (Monday's child) is anything but regional. But starting out with her debut mystery, THE CLOVIS INCIDENT, Pari first attacked what she knew best: the Southwest-the subject of her Sasha Solomon series.

She had already contributed newspaper columns to the Albuquerque Tribune and articles to a publication that served both Albuquerque and Santa Fe. She became active in writing organizations, where she met respected authors like Tony Hillerman and who gave her a wonderful blurb for her debut. She participated in book fairs in shopping malls and helped start Croak & Dagger, the Sisters in Crime chapter in Albuquerque (even serving as its founding president).

Since getting published, Pari has been extending her net beyond her New Mexico and Southwest home base. She'll be contributing a monthly column for Mystery Writers of America's The Third Degree newsletter in which she'll be interviewing editors and agents in the crime fiction world. Key from the very beginning has been her extensive public relations and marketing background, which aided in her getting an introduction to her publisher, University of New Mexico Press, in the first place." posted with permission

It's murder (excerpt) - by Anna Webb, Idaho Statesman, May 31, 2006
Murder in The Grove : Writing regionally, then moving past it (about half-way down article) ... Taichert ... wanted to write a modern kind of character, a reluctant sleuth. As a New Mexico native, Taichert also wanted to dispel misperceptions about her home state. She has a lot in common with Idahoans, she said, who constantly battle perceptions that Idaho is border-to-border potato farms...

Mystery Series Set in Small Town N.M. - by Amanda Stevens, Abq Journal, Fri, May 19, 2006
Pari Noskin Taichert hopes to offer a different view of New Mexico through her series of mystery novels and her newest book, "The Belen Hitch," the second in a series. "I want to share a different vision of New Mexico than what you usually see in literature here - that's not cowboys and Indians, that's not Hispanic," Taichert said. "A different vision, with a smart-aleck modern baby boomer antagonist who's..."

Get Off the Bus (excerpt) - by Naomi Hirahara, Murderati blog, May 3, 2006
"... Pari Noskin Taichert is a masterful speaker ... and easily convinced some L.A. teenagers to buy her first Agatha-nominated book, THE CLOVIS INCIDENT. It was a beautiful thing to watch."

Mystery Limericks : by Alan Cook (2006) - about authors; Ms. Taichert's in excellent company.

JABberwocky Literary Agency - agent's website (alphabetical listing)

New Mexico Press Women, Jan 2006 Vol 29 No 1 (online newsletter) - 'People News' section (3/4 down page)
Pari Noskin Taichert is blasting away at The Socorro Blast, her third mystery. She recently wrote that she was well along on a rough draft. "By 'rough' I mean about the consistency of hundreds of pointy boulders,but then I'll have the joy of editing. I adore that part of the process and can't wait to get to it," she writes. "I'm also going to start the new series before year's end."
New Mexico author sets mysteries in small towns; by Clara Garcia, Valencia County News-Bulletin, Wed, Aug 24, 2005
Pari Noskin Taichert, author of "The Belen Hitch," understood when she first started writing murder mysteries located in actual New Mexico towns that it could become controversial...

Writer embraces NM towns - by Maria DeBlassie, Daily Lobo, June 16, 2005
Crime novelist Pari Noskin Taichert uses Small New Mexican towns as backdrops for mystery and mayhem. Born and raised in Albuquerque, Taichert said she's lived a lot of others places, none of which can compare to the Land of Enchantment. "A lot of people spend their lives searching for home," she said. "I'm one of the few people that was fortunate enough to be born home." Taichert is one of many native writers and part of the Voices of...

Albuquerque's Author/Book Club Connection - formed to get local book clubs and authors together

Mystery writer to speak at library; by Clara Garcia, Valencia County News-Bulletin, Wed, March 30, 2005
Pari Noskin Taichert has been a writer as long as she could hold a crayon in her hands.
"I'm one of those people who was born to write," Taichert said...

KUNM 89.9 FM Community Radio in Albuquerque (RealPlayer required)
Book Review: The Belen Hitch - by Roy Durfee, Sept 7, 2005 (2:12)
NM Author Pari Noskin Taichert Discusses The Clovis Incident - by Leslie Clark, Feb 22, 2004 (2:31)

TVI Times : Feb 22-28, 2005, Vol 10 Issue 22, Page 5 - by Debra Knoll
This is now the Central New Mexico Community College
New Mexico author talks about Clovis, cows, and creativity
Pari Noskin Taichert covered every subject in the title of her lecture, "Writing is Murder Clovis, Cows and Creativity," at the TVI Montoya campus Feb. 15.
As a local published author, Taichert was invited to speak about writing, mysteries and New Mexico as part of the Emeritus Academy Literary Series...
Taichert is a wife, a mother of two, and a green belt in tae kwondo; but she said, “I have always been a writer.”She is also a member of Sisters in Crime, an international organization of mystery enthusiasts. Taichert said murder is horrible and found interviewing her first homicide detective very sobering, but quipped amusingly that she finds great ways to murder people all over the place...
In her next book, Taichert said, Placitas is trying to present itself as the next Sedona, Arizona. She teasingly called it "The Placitas Perils."
Carolyn Doyle, who grew up in Portales, said, "I read a lot, I’m not a writer, and because I have no talent, I love the writer. She really hit home, it was an enjoyable, fun book."

NewPages : Author Talk, An Interview with PNT - by Tim Davis, Dec 4, 2004 (posted Jan 16, 2005)

Debut Mystery Receives Plenty of Pre-Publication Comment - by David Steinberg, Sun, Feb 15, 2004
Pari Noskin Taichert has produced four manuscripts, two children and, as of this month, one book, the newly released mystery "The Clovis Incident." Taichert's manuscripts have experienced much more than a nine-month gestation period. And she has learned that manuscripts, like children, need ...

Author Spices Up Image of Clovis, N.M., in Murder Mystery - by Rozanna M. Martinez, Abq Journal, Feb 13, 2004
Clovis, N.M. may not have the intrigue of metropolitan cities, but add murder, conspiracy and alien abductions and you have a city with a lot of buzz. Albuquerque author Pari Noskin Taichert spices up the image of Clovis, predominately known for Canon Air Force Base, by surrounding the military installation with a murder...

from Howard Fried: "One of [my] favorite writers is Pari Noskin Taichert. Visit her site ... to spend some quality time with a quality mind."

Book Locales

  New Mexico
City of Clovis
Clovis newspaper
Clovis C of C
Maps: Google Mapquest Yahoo

City of Belen
Belen newspaper
Belen C of C
Maps: Google Mapquest Yahoo

City of Socorro
Socorro County newspaper
Socorro County C of C
Maps: Google Mapquest Yahoo
Dept of Tourism
State Parks
NMDOT Maps - detailed
City of Albuquerque
Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque Tribune
Albuquerque C of C
KANW FM 89.1 - Sasha's favorite

Ms. Taichert's name appears in these books:

2009 Guide To Literary Agents, by Chuck Sambuchino
       ISBN: 978-1582975481; Trade Paperback; Writers Digest Books; 18th ed (July 2008)
       [referenced; 1 reference: p. 251]
Chasing the Sun, by Edward Joseph Beverly
       ISBN: 978-0865346031; Trade Paperback; Sunstone Press (July 2008)
       [referenced; 1 reference: pp. 444, (and index)]
Grave Surprise, by Charlaine Harris
       ISBN: 0425212033; Hardcover; Berkley Prime Crime (September 2006)
       [name of partnership; reference: p. 143]
A Shot to Die For, by Libby Fischer Hellmann
       ISBN: 1590581857; Hardcover; Poisoned Pen Press (August 2005)
       [named character; 5 references: pp. 58, 61, 80, 127, 145]
45 Days to Power Publicity: Learn the Insider Secrets to Getting the Word Out, by Laura L. Link
       ISBN: 0977025403; Spiral bound; Link Pub (July 2005)
       [referenced; 3 references: pp. 39, 40, 147]
Death Takes a Honeymoon, by Deborah Donnelly
       ISBN: 0440241308; Mass Market Paperback; Dell (April 2005)
       [named character; 12 references: pp. 45, 55, 78, 108, 130, 131, 151, 210, 211, 212, 270, 280]
Fairway to Heaven, by Roberta Isleib
       ISBN: 0425201554; Mass Market Paperback; Berkley Prime Crime (March 2005)
       [named character; 7 references: pp. 2, 3, 14, 16, 166, 169 & front matter; Chapter One]
How to Sell, Then Write Your Nonfiction Book, by Blythe Camenson
       ISBN: 0658021044; Trade Paperback; McGraw-Hill (June 2002)
       [quoted as PR Pro; 3 references: pp. 196, 201, 203]


by Pati Nagle in Heart of the Exiled
   ISBN: 978-0345503862; Paperback; Del Rey (2011)
"Heartfelt thanks to all who helped bring the ælven to life: ..., Pari Noskin Taichert, ..."
by J.T. Ellison in Judas Kiss
   ISBN: 978-0778326298; Paperback; Mira (2010)
"... Thanking people is truly one of the most exciting steps ... My fellow Murderati bloggers, who inspire me daily, especially Pari Noskin Taichert, the best sounding board out there ..."
by Gerald M. Weinberg in Mistress of Molecules
   ISBN: 978-1448638802; Trade Paperback; CreateSpace (2009)
"There are a few people I'd like to thank: ... The Plotbusters: ..., Pari Noskin Taichert, ..."
by J.D. Rhoades in Breaking Cover
   ISBN: 978-0312371555; Hardcover; St. Martin's Minotaur (2008)
"... Special thanks to my fellow bloggers at Murderati.com: ..., Pari Noskin Taichert, ..."
by Lisa Lenard-Cook in Dissonance
   ISBN: 0826330908; Hardcover; UNM Press (2003)
"... Thank you: ..., Pari Noskin Taichert, ..."
by Lisa Lenard in KISS Guide to Dreams
   ISBN: 0789491990; Paperback; DK Adult (Jan 2003)
by Blythe Camenson in How to Sell, Then Write Your Nonfiction Book
   ISBN: 0658021044; Trade Paperback; McGraw-Hill (June 2002)

Purchase Pari's Pickles
... you know: pickles, as in difficult situations –
like what always happens in mysteries!

April 3, 2012
Frames URL: http://www.resourcepages.info/PNT/trail.html

New Mexico photographs by permission of, and are copyright © by, their respective photographers:
•    SINA BRUSH    •    MIKE BUTTERFIELD    •    DANNY GALLANT    •    JIM ORR     •
To inquire about a picture, click on it to send the photographer an e-mail.

Quotes written by Ms. Taichert by permission.
Cited/quoted content copyright © original date by author/publisher. All rights reserved.
Web page copyright © 2006-2012 by B.G. Ritts. All rights reserved worldwide.

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"...the splendor of NM. I'm totally in love with my homestate."
– Pari Noskin Taichert


© Sina Brush

© Jim Orr

© Mike Butterfield

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Mike Butterfield

© Sina Brush

© Jim Orr

© Sina Brush

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Jim Orr

© Mike Butterfield

© Sina Brush

© Mike Butterfield

© Mike Butterfield

© Sina Brush

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Jim Orr

© Pari Taichert

© Jim Orr

© Jim Orr

© Sina Brush

© Mike Butterfield

© Sina Brush

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Mike Butterfield

© Jim Orr

© Danny Gallant Photography

© Jim Orr

© Sina Brush

© Mike Butterfield

© Danny Gallant Photography

(Five taller ones cropped)